Antique Contemporary Artist
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Art Paris

Art Paris

01 December 2024 - 31 January 2025

Art Paris: The Place To Be!

Paris is in the midst of an exceptional period of cultural and artistic renaissance illustrated by the opening of new galleries and venues, the renovation of existing cultural institutions and the inauguration of new ones. More than ever before, the City of Light is asserting its role as the place to be for contemporary art. The activities on offer as part of the VIP programme, reserved for collectors and art professionals (by invitation only), bear witness to the transformation of Paris’s art scene.

Making Contemporary Art Accessible to All

Art Paris is dedicated to making contemporary art accessible to the widest audience, offering some 80 guided tours of the fair as well as a number of specific tools, in particular its elaborate yet eminently practical website which presents a virtual visit of the fair and filters allowing visitors to search for works by artist, price, geographical provenance and technique...
Art Paris promotes discovery and re-discovery thanks to its sectors "Solo Show" and "Promises" (dedicated to young galleries), not to mention its themes led by guest curators who contribute to the originality of this leading spring event in Paris.

selected artworks